An 'A' rated excelling K-8 charter school and private preschool
CEE, the place to be!
Call today to schedule a tour! 480.632.1940
CEE Kindergarten Enrollment Forms
School Lunches by Just Catering (program is currently on hold)
Extracurricular Tax Credit Donation Form
Making a tax credit donation to Center for Educational Excellence you'll get back dollar for dollar is a win-win for everyone! Donate up to $200/$400 (single/filing jointly) and deduct that amount from state income taxes through a tax credit. You can donate using this form with your contribution in person or by mailing to school.
Any amount paid towards CEE Extracurricular Clubs will count toward your total contribution for tax credit maximum amount of $200/$400. Each person/couple is eligible to donate to any school of their choice, it is not necessary to have a student attending the school. Corporate and/or business checks are not eligible.
*TAX FORM 322 and INSTRUCTIONS for the 2020 tax filing year
*Additional Details from AZ Department of Revenue